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Workshop: The physical protection of critical national infrastructures within the framework of the CER Directive (Critical Entity Resilience). Rome, 14/02/2023

The workshop presented the initiative for the development and the supply of technologies to support risk monitoring and analysis for the system of National Critical Infrastructures. The issue of the security of Critical Infrastructures and the related strategies to guarantee their integrity, protection from physical risk and to ensure resilience to the entire system of national services is a relevant issue, especially in view of the changing weather and climate conditions, the impacts of hydrogeological and seismic events, the ageing problem affecting the structures. In order to increase awareness of these issues and reduce Citizens exposure to the damage that the lack of Infrastructures and primary Services can cause, the European Union has recently issued the Directive 829/2020 (CER, Critical Entity Resilience) identifying strategic guidelines which each Member State will have to comply with, to create a homogenous and coherent area of protection in all Member States. Critical Infrastructures have become a single transnational system to which national Infrastructure contribute, that needs to be adequately protected in each of its national components. The Workshop aimet at promoting the meeting between the needs of the industrial sectors that manage the infrastructures, the authorities that have the task of identifying the best strategies to guarantee protection and resilience and the national research component that can support the implementation of these strategies.

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The full recording of the event is available at the following link:
CER Workshop

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Ospite: Vittorio Rosato (ENEA, coordinatore di EISAC Italia).